
 This blog provides information on various topics. This useful information is in the form of general knowledge of different subjects. This information is collected from different sources like books, internet, youtube channels, government websites etc and served on this blog in the form of notes. This blog does not guarantee the information provided to be 100 percent accurate. There may be some typing errors or any other reasons like difference in sources. Although, this blog tries it's 100 percent towards accuracy of data. It is recommended that you as the reader match the data from this blog with other sources as well.

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9 सितंबर का इतिहास | आज का इतिहास: 9 सितंबर | कैप्टन विक्रम बत्रा | 9 September History in Hindi | Captain Vikram Batra Kaun The

  9 सितंबर 1974 को कैप्टन विक्रम बत्रा का जन्म हिमाचल प्रदेश के पालमपुर जिले में हुआ था। कैप्टन विक्रम बत्रा ने कारगिल युद्ध में अद्भुत शौर्...